Climate targets

Our climate targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), clearly confirming that Iver is the right partner for customers prioritizing climate issues.

The climate targets for Iver’s operations (Scope 1 and 2) align with the required reductions to limit global warming to 1.5°C – the level that Iver should be aiming for and in accordance with the Paris Avigreement. This implies that Iver must reduce its direct emissions from company-owned and controlled vehicles, coolant usage, and energy consumption by a massive 29.4% by 2027 from a 2021 base year. By far, the biggest portion of Iver’s climate footprint is generated by the IT hardware procured by the company and an analysis consequently clearly showed that an ambitious target must also entail a supplier dialogue, with an extensive focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Iver’s target for reducing its indirect emissions within the supply chain (Scope 3) imply that suppliers who account for as much of 90% of the company’s emissions related to goods and services must have their own science-based targets by 2027.


Official targets 

Organization type: Company

Sector: Software and Services

Company temperature alignment: 1.5°C

Business Ambition for 1.5°C commitment: Yes

Target language: Iver Management AB commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 29.4% by 2027 from a 2021 base year.* Iver Management AB also commits that 90% of its suppliers by emission covering purchased goods & services, and capital goods will have science-based targets by 2027.

*The target boundary includes land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.


Target: Absolute

  • Scope: 1+2
  • Target classification: 1.5°C
  • Base Year: 2021
  • Target Year: 2027
  • Date Published: 2023-08-03


Target: Engagement

  • Scope: 3
  • Base Year: 2021
  • Target Year: 2027
  • Date Published: 2023-08-03