Faster innovation, greater flexibility, and improved cost control

Client: KPMG

KPMG Norge has 1,000 employees at 24 offices throughout Norway, and is a “knowledge industry” firm, with expertise in auditing, consultancy, taxes, fees, and commercial law. KPMG’s customers range from small and medium-sized companies to many of Norway’s biggest operations, including listed companies.

Our employees’ and customers’ expectations of our effective use of information are changing rapidly, placing substantial demands on our IT systems and the way we develop them, says Dag Kjetil Jørgensen, CIO at KPMG.

Iver is KPMG’s IT strategy, infrastructure, and services partner, and provides, amongst other things, Azure Stack, which helps reduce IT costs, optimise business processes, and enhance KPMG’s ability to distribute new services.

The partnership with Iver enables faster innovation and greater flexibility, and also facilitates cost control, in that we now only pay for the services we actually use, continues Jørgensen.

Iver’s provision package for KPMG includes Azure Stack, which comprises hybrid solutions from DellEMC and Microsoft. Azure Stack is provided from Iver’s data centre in Norway, which not only means that all of the data is held in Norway and processed in accordance with Norwegian law, but also ensures that KPMG has full control over its solutions’ performance.  

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